
Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

Author: Wincomn


Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

Xiaomeisha, known as one of the 'Ten Scenic Spots of Shenzhen' and 'Eight Scenic Spots of Pengcheng', has always been a coastal business card of the eastern golden coastline of Shenzhen, with a high-quality geographical environment. Now, under the strategic guidance of building a global maritime center city in Shenzhen, SDGI Group will integrate urban mountain and sea resources, sea, land, air and rail transportation resources, international diversified brand resources, and industrial resources with distinctive characteristics of Shenzhen, to build the Xiaomeisha area into a world-class urban coastal tourism resort that is 'livable, suitable for business, and suitable for tourism'.

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

The Meisha living room is located in the center of the Xiaomeisha area in Shenzhen, resembling a huge whale leaping above the water. It is an important tourist gathering, exhibition, and information consultation place in the area, integrating tourist services, cultural and tourism amusement experiences, cultural and tourism integration display space, theme activity interpretation and exchange, information management, and other functions. The immersive exhibition hall created with the participation of Wincomn Krinda projector is the Xiaomeisha brand and marketing exhibition area located in the Meisha living room.

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

The exhibition hall adopts a curved corridor design style, with a wall height of 4.8 meters, an outer arc length of 20.5 meters, and an inner arc length of 14.5 meters. The entire space uses nearly 20 Krinda C-WU700L laser projectors to complete the projection of two curved walls and the ground. The curved space not only echoes the overall architectural appearance of the Meisha living room, but also reflects the natural temperament of Shanshui Meisha.

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

The content of the film mainly introduces the Xiaomeisha International City and the natural scenery of the mountains and seas. The outer curved wall is created by a projector to create a scene of people playing with the ocean. The vivid characters, seagulls, and sailboats appear lifelike under the exquisite projection, and the curved architectural design expands the visual space of the sky and sea, matching the projection of the waves and beaches on the ground, A immersive and realistic seaside scene is presented in front of people; On the inner curved wall, buildings full of futuristic and technological elements stand tall among the continuous mountains, facing each other and connected to the beach. A portrait of the natural, vibrant, and fashionable Xiaomeisha area vividly catches the eye through projection.

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

The Krinda C-WU700L laser projector used in the Xiaomeisha exhibition hall is a domestically produced projector brand from Yingkang. This brand has been favored by the market for its excellent projection effects and stable and reliable operating performance, and has participated in the construction of projection systems in multiple projects.

Krinda C-WU700L adopts advanced image processing engines and optical components, which can provide more beautiful and delicate visual effects for immersive interactive spaces, arc screen exhibition halls, phantom imaging, amusement spaces, and other usage occasions; Its stable laser light source and ultra long service life ensure the smooth and long-lasting operation of the project; In addition, the machine can achieve silent operation characteristics and also meet the requirements of various immersion spaces for silent environments; The built-in management software and proactive maintenance function of this machine make equipment management, monitoring, and maintenance more convenient, saving manpower for users' operation and maintenance work.

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

Nowadays, the design concept of the exhibition hall not only emphasizes functionality, but also puts forward higher requirements for the humanistic color and cultural connotation reflected in the exhibition hall. The Xiaomeisha Exhibition Hall perfectly echoes the concept of 'mountains and seas in the city' in the Xiaomeisha area, from architectural design to immersive display to film content. It can not only clearly showcase the connotation of the Xiaomeisha International City brand to people, but also allow visitors to experience a relaxed and leisurely time in the immersive exhibition hall.

Wincomn Krinda Projector Participated in Building the Xiaomeisha Immersion Exhibition Hall

Wincomn has rich experience in the construction of immersive interactive exhibition halls. We can provide customers with a complete set of services from exhibition hall design, interactive system construction, film content design and production, and projector system equipment. We can build unique immersive interactive exhibition halls for you based on the customer's theme.