
Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base

Author: Wincomn


Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base


Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released a new list of national cultural industry demonstration bases, and Beijing Wincomn Technology Co., Ltd. was included in the list. The National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base refers to an enterprise named by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which has strong strength and industry influence, and has a demonstrative and driving role in promoting the optimization and upgrading of cultural formats, promoting the integration and innovative development of cultural industries.


Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base

Beijing Wincomn Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 and is a professional provider of video and audio solutions, providing comprehensive solutions with video and audio as the core for various application scenarios.


Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base 

(Beijing Wincomn Headquarters)


In recent years, Wincomn has actively invested in the development of domestic products and innovative IP content in the cultural and tourism industry. Currently, Wincomn has its own projector brand 'Krinda', as well as a diverse range of hardware, software, and complete products under the 'Wincom' brand, including the 'Immersive Vista' dome cinema, 'Immersive Vista' flight cinema, 4D/5D cinemas, immersive spaces, flight simulators, VR workstations/workstations, etc. Now Wincomn has 11 patents, 65 software copyrights, 12 copyrighted works, 41 registered trademarks, first-class comprehensive technical capabilities for audio and video system integration engineering, and first-class qualifications for multimedia engineering system integration in China.


 Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base

('Immersive Vista' Dome Cinema)


Along the way, Wincomn has participated in the implementation of numerous classic domestic projects, including special cinemas, dark riding, theater shows, live performances, night tours, immersive interaction, exhibition displays, virtual simulations, and other fields, which have attracted the attention of the industry. Wincomn has served in Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo, Beijing Universal Studios, Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom, Disney, Rongchuang Paradise, Wanda Paradise, Haichang Ocean Park, Huai'an West Amusement Park, Silver based Animal Kingdom, Haihua Island, Huayi Brothers Film Town, Beijing Gubei Water Town, Wuxi Nianhua Bay, Bailuyuan Scenic Area, Hancheng Water Show, Xishuangbanna 'Dai Show', Wuxi 'the Taihu Lake Lake Show', Shanghai Planetarium, Hunan Provincial Museum, Macao Science Museum, Hong Kong Planetarium, Gomian 6 Virtual Reality Industrial Park, etc.

Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base 

('Immersive Vista' Flying Cinema )


With rich professional experience, outstanding project construction capabilities, and product innovation capabilities, Wincomn has been recognized and honored by national authoritative institutions, such as the Contribution Award at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the Top 100 Cultural Industry Enterprises in Beijing in 2019 and 2020, the 'Science and Technology Innovation Award' in 2022, and more than 70 industry awards, such as the 'Skyscraper Award', 'Golden Crown Award', 'Annual Excellent Case Award', 'Best Cultural and Tourism Creative Projection Solution Award', and 'China Cultural Equipment Case Award'.



Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base

Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base


(Case Collection)


Wincomn has built an exhibition hall with an area of over 600 square meters at its headquarters in Beijing. The exhibition hall has a total of 5 themed spaces, including a dynamic ball screen cinema, immersive interactive space, architectural projection show, virtual reality collaborative work environment immersive system, flight simulator, and other exhibition items; The exhibition hall also fully displayed the independent research and development system, independent brand equipment, and independent intellectual property films of Winkon. Customers and users are welcome to make an appointment to visit Winkon's official account or Winkon's official website.



Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base

Good news! Wincomn has been selected as a national cultural industry demonstration base

(Wincomn Exhibition Hall)


With the improvement of domestic education level and material life, people have also developed high-level demands in cultural tourism, which has also promoted the continuous development and improvement of Wincomn's product technology and content. In the future, Wincomn will actively play the role of a demonstration base and contribute to the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the national cultural industry.